Quick Start

Here is a quick guide to get up and running with ProfaneDB.

Schema definition

Multiple examples of schema definition can be found in ProfaneDB tests.

Let’s give a look at how a message would look before and after it’s turned into a ProfaneDB schema.

message User {
  string email = 1;
  string name = 2;
  Date date_of_birth = 3;

  message Date { ... }

We have this existing message definition.
Now to select a key a unique field is needed. In this case, obviously email.

import "profanedb/protobuf/options.proto"

message User {
  string email = 1 [(profanedb.protobuf.options).key = true ];


First of all, profanedb/protobuf/options.proto is imported.
If ProfaneDB was installed correctly, this should reside in /usr/include alongside google/protobuf/*.proto, so it’s commonly imported when running protoc.

After that the key custom option can be applied.
Note that only one field for each message should be marked as key


Currently ProfaneDB has a very simple configuration.
(Later on more specific RocksDB options will be added in configuration file).

-h [ --help ]            Display this help message
--log_level arg          trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal
-I [ --proto_path ] arg  Specify the paths to import proto files
                         (google/protobuf/..., profanedb/protobuf/...)
-S [ --schema_path ] arg Specify the paths to load the user defined schema
--rocksdb_path arg       Set the path RocksDB uses to store its content

Let’s focus on the last 3 options:

  1. proto_path:
    google/protobuf/*.proto and profanedb/protobuf/*.proto must be reachable from here.
    Multiple paths can be defined.
  2. schema_path: the most important option, here is the root of our schema definition.
  3. rocksdb_path: this is where RocksDB will store its files.
    It must be consistent across restarts.


gRPC is used to connect with ProfaneDB.
(ProfaneDB can otherwise be embedded)

A simple GET, PUT. DELETE interface is provided.

There is a Python sample in the code.

However, it is probably easier to just look at the .proto file where the interface is defined.

Messages are stored and retrieved as google.protobuf.Any, every language has its methods to pack/unpack messages.
See Protobuf documentation.